Material Art Fair 2017
Daniele Milvio
February 9 - 12, 2017

16 Zach_Version_1.1
Nicholas Steindorf
January 26 - February 2, 2017

Xo of Excess
ssaliva/Early Holography/AllPass/Hasar de Doria
December 9, 2016
organised by Diesel project space

Video Night at Exo Exo
Anna-Sophie Berger, Keren Cytter, Saige Rowe, Geo Wyeth
October 21, 2016
curated by Levi Easterbrooks

Bending Binding, Evan Robarts, Deirdre Sargent
October 1 - 8, 2016
curated by Elisa Rigoulet @ Sushi Bar, NY

A Thousand Friends (part 2)
Daniele Milvio, Olga Pedan, Matthieu Haberard, Micah Hesse, Stefan Fuchs, Bianca Bondi, Rosa Aiello, Aline Bouvy, Sandra Vaka Olsen, Clément Roche, Kareem Lotfy, Nuno Patrício, Antoine Donzeaud, Dominic Samsworth, Dorota Gaweda & Eglé Kulbokaité, Hilda Stammarnäs, Agata Ingarden, Austin Lee, Chris Lecler, Yorgos Stamkopoulos, Hubert Marot, Strauss Bourque Lafrance, Loup Sarion, Sean Raspet, Bending Binding, Liesl Raff & Christoph Meier, Mathis Collins
September 9 - 23, 2016
curated by Elisa Rigoulet @ New Jörg, Vienna

15 Presented by Exo Exo and Lodos
Michael Debatty, Noah Barker
June 23 - 30, 2016

14 Пикник на обочине (Piknik na obochine)
Viktor Timofeev, Jason Benson, Martin Kohout, Eric Veit, Mia Goyette, Hannah Lees, Eloise Bonneviot + Anne De Boer
May 12 - 19, 2016
curated by Florent Delval

13 Concert for solista and other sad stories
Beatrice Marchi
March 4 - 11, 2016

Just Lifelike Enough
Joey Villemont, Zoe Barcza, Olga Pedan, Bradley Davies, Julian Tromp, Hilda Stammarnäs
December 7, 2015 - February 28, 2016
curated by Exo Exo @ Anticipation T

Never Land Alone
Isaac Lythgoe, Jack Lavender
January 23 - February 27, 2016
curated by Exo Exo @ Galerie Hussenot, Paris

Material Art Fair 2016
Zoe Barcza, Bending Binding, Micah Hesse, Yves Scherer
February 4 - 7, 2016

12 Dawning
Fenêtreproject & Pakui Hardware
December 10 - 18, 2015

Sprint Independent publishers' salon 2015
Aline Bouvy, Antoine Donzeaud, Exo Exo, Nickolas Mohanna, Justin Morin, Yves Scherer, Joey Villemont
November 28 - 29, 2015
curated by Exo Exo at O', Milan

11 Politics are personal
Spencer Ashby, Harm van den Dorpel, Bruno Zhu
October 23 - 30, 2015
curated by Domenico de Chirico

10 Where is the love
Yves Scherer
September 17 - 24, 2015

Loop of Faith
Bending Binding
September 5 - 27, 2015
curated by Exo Exo @ Passebery, Galerie Gutharc, Paris

9 Sorry I slept with your dog
Aline Bouvy
July 9 - 16, 2015

Check XXe
Bending Binding, Adam Cruces, Antoine Donzeaud, Matthieu Haberard, Antone Konst, Hubert Marot, Quintessa Matranga, Yannick Val Gesto
April 25 - May 9, 2015
curated by Exo Exo @ After Howl, Brussels

8 What Are You Going To Do If They Don't Believe You
Andrés Ramirez
March 14 - 20, 2015
curated by Clara Guislain

Zombie Routine
Bending Binding, Skye Chamberlain, Hadrien Gérenton, Beatrice Marchi, Jaakko Pallasvuo, Jana Schröder
March 12 - 28, 2015
curated by Exo Exo @ New Galerie, Paris

7 i cut out the mug and went to the bottle

Strauss Bourque-LaFrance, Loup Sarion
January 16 - 23, 2015
curated by Exo Exo

Crystal Bark
Alessandro Castiglioni, Enrico Boccioletti, Jean Pol Fargeau, Adam Cruces
December 12 - 13, 2014
curated by Fenêtreproject

Dana Plato's Cave
Uffe Isolotto
November 8 - 9, 2014
organised by Weekends

Château d'eau / Femme qui pleure ..
Wolf Cuyvers
October 20 - 26, 2014
a proposal by Clara Guislain, Biennale de Belleville part 3

A Grotto
Renaud Perriches
October 09 - 16, 2014
a proposal by Elisa Rigoulet & Renaud Perriches, Biennale de Belleville part 2

What's on ur Mind
Grégory Cuquel, Nicolas Hosteing, Sam Mapp, Damien Mazières, Hugo Pernet, Aurélien Porte, Simon Rayssac, Aldéric Trével
September 25 - October 02, 2014
organised by Benoit Ménard & Tristan Léonard, Biennale de Belleville part 1

Un Coucher de Soleil
Adam Cruces
September 12, 2014

6 Screensaver
Nick Bastis, Antoine Donzeaud, Jean-Baptiste Lenglet
June 26 - July 4, 2014
curated by Exo

How You Could Have Become a B.A.S.E Jumper
Maxime Bichon
June 19, 2014
XO talks

5 Suddenly this overview
Balkis island..., Glen Baxter, Sophie de Bayser, Romain Cattenoz, Matthieu Cossé, Corentin Grossmann, Hendrik Hegray, Sophie Lamm, Plonk et Replonk
May 14 - 21, 2014
curated by La KGM

4 One from the heart
Juliette Bonneviot, Antoine Carbonne, Daniel Keller, Armand Morin, Clément Roche
March 21 - 28, 2014
curated by Elisa Rigoulet

3 Tout arrive
Florian Auer, Pauline Beaudemont, Davide Cascio, Nicolas Giraud, Nicholas Kashian, Laurent Kropf, Béla Tarr
January 16 - 23, 2014
curated by Sylvain Ménetrey

2 I would prefer not to
Ghislain Amar, Ugo Cerina, Andrés Ramirez
November 8 - 15, 2013
curated by Clara Guislain and Elisa Rigoulet

1 Re-place
Cyril Aboucaya, Antoine Donzeaud, Matthieu Palud, Clara Stengel
September 12 - 19, 2013
curated by Elisa Rigoulet

10 Where is the love

Yves Scherer

Opening Thursday September 17th, 6pm - 9pm
Exhibition September 17th - September 24th, 2015 (by appointment)
Exo Exo 10 ter rue Bisson 75020 Paris

We Find Wildness
Art Viewer
O FLuxo
Daily Lazy

Where is the love, installation view
Yves Scherer

Where is the love, installation view
Yves Scherer

Where is the love, installation view
Yves Scherer

Yves Scherer, Cry Me A River, 2015
Video HD, sound
4’48’’ cm

Where is the love, installation view
Yves Scherer

Yves Scherer, Where Is The Love, 2015
Prada Handbag, Diamonds, Prada Paper Bag, Prada Dust Cover
35 x 36 x 40 cm

Yves Scherer, Where Is The Love, 2015
Prada Handbag, Diamonds, Prada Paper Bag, Prada Dust Cover
35 x 36 x 40 cm

Yves Scherer, Where Is The Love, 2015
Prada Handbag, Diamonds, Prada Paper Bag, Prada Dust Cover
35 x 36 x 40 cm

Yves Scherer, Where Is The Love, 2015
Prada Handbag, Diamonds, Prada Paper Bag, Prada Dust Cover
35 x 36 x 40 cm

Where is the love, installation view
Yves Scherer

Yves Scherer, Royal Plaza, 2015
Drawings, Clothes Line, Vespa, Plant, T-Shirt
Variable dimensions

Yves Scherer, Royal Plaza, (detail), 2015
Drawings, Clothes Line, Vespa, Plant, T-Shirt
Variable dimensions

Yves Scherer, Royal Plaza, (detail), 2015
Drawings, Clothes Line, Vespa, Plant, T-Shirt
Variable dimensions

Yves Scherer, Royal Plaza, (detail), 2015
Drawings, Clothes Line, Vespa, Plant, T-Shirt
Variable dimensions

Yves Scherer, Royal Plaza, (detail), 2015
Drawings, Clothes Line, Vespa, Plant, T-Shirt
Variable dimensions

In his practice the Swiss artist Yves Scherer develops a hybrid project between the public and private spheres. At the heart of his work lies the dissolution of the boundaries between the domestic, public and virtual domains, the unknown and the familiar. The artists does this by superimposing reality with its fictional double. WHERE IS THE LOVE breaks down performance spaces and renders them liquid and porous. The works are arranged here as an immersive mise-en-scène, causing ever increasing confusion between reality and its power of projection.

The common theme of this scenario is the artist’s trip to Asia. In the middle of the space, a fake Prada bag the artist bought in Beijing stands on the floor, displayed in it’s original branded packaging. This “consumer good”, exhibited here in a ready-made fashion, symbolizes the birth of desire and its ever exponentially increasing growth. Opened, offered, the imitation symbolizes and reproduce our desire for luxury, products and manufactured goods.

At the same time, the exhibition space is connected to the virtual world, with an amateur video the artist recorded during a holiday in Thailand with friends - a pure product of the “selfie” culture, self-worship and showing off your own pleasure (sometimes genuine, but often made up or sublimated) to others. This self-promoting video is broadcast on a television set which is installed to the ceiling of the space. It shows a remake of the Justin Timberlake song “Cry me a river”, produced in bandwidth, image and background noise of an advert or a clip that is taken in by the visitor almost subconsciously. This is the embodiment of a powerful presence that feeds and infects our desire through audio-visual fillers. It can be found in transit locations - hotels, restaurants, lifts, shopping centres - relying on a “one-size-fits-all”, passing, insidious desire, a personification of envy.

Against this backdrop of ins and outs, a few sketches, notes and plans are hung on a clothes line, jotted down on the pages of a notepad of the Royal Plaza Hotel in Hong Kong they form a personal archive used to measure the self-validating strategies.

WHERE IS THE LOVE then tells the story of a one-upmanship of desire, pleasure, consumerism, distribution and self-worship, staging a body that is already reduced to a transient image and making it readily available. It symbolises the constant repetition of a desire without an object, itself born from another desire, slowly pushing the boundaries of the areas of investment in love and emotion, of fulfilment and pleasure, just like an exhibition space that dissolves beyond its walls.

Text by Elisa Rigoulet
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